Forest Management Planning.
A good forest stewardship plan is the cornerstone of sustainable forest management, enabling you to take the first step in active management of your forest resource, increasing the benefits you derive from your land while also conserving for the future. Forest stewardship plans are a combination of your goals and objectives coupled with a detailed science-based report. Our forest stewardship plans provide detailed maps, forest stand data, best management practices and helpful recommendations. Timber stand improvement recommendations, wildlife habitat improvement suggestions, harvest recommendations and ideas to improve overall forest health are all included in these plans.
Managed Forest Law Planning.
We have extensive experience establishing Managed Forest Law (MFL) plans and helping landowners administer these plans. The Wisconsin MFL is a landowner incentive program that encourages sustainable forestry on private woodlands in Wisconsin. Navigating the MFL program can be challenging at times, we can help. To participate in this program, it is necessary to have a detailed forest stewardship plan developed. This forest stewardship plan establishes a schedule of practices that must be completed over a period of 25 or 50 years. We use the latest technology for mapping and timber cruising to provide the landowner with better field data in easy-to-read reports and useful maps. Tom is a Department of Natural Resources certified plan writer.
Timber Sale Assistance.
A commercial timber sale is something most landowners do only once or twice during ownership. You want to make sure and do this sustainably while also protecting your financial interests. Cutting timber in the driftless is challenging…… steep, rugged, rocky terrain, coupled with shortened harvest windows, limited forest products utilization and often times relentless invasive species competition all require unique sale parameters and guidance. However, healthy productive forests can be developed as a result of active management, and removing poor quality, mature and over mature trees when necessary. Sustained yields of high value timber products can be realized by practicing sustainable forest management and acquiring professional forestry assistance. Additionally, the development of different habitat structures resultant from timber sales can be effective towards establishing the wildlife habitat you desire.
Wildlife Habitat Improvement
Wildlife is a very common goal of land ownership…and if this is not your #1 goal…it is usually top 2 or 3. Wildlife comes in many shapes and sizes and “my” most important wildlife species may not be yours and vice versa. The awesome part of the Driftless region is we have so much diversity. Your particular focus may be deer, turkeys, neo-tropical songbirds, or red headed woodpeckers. The common theme to all these species is the establishment of a healthy forest which in turn is healthy habitat. We can help you tweak your management to favor what is important to you. Our experience has been that we can help landowners maintain healthy forest systems thereby maintaining healthy habitat.
Timber Stand Improvement
Timber stand improvement includes a wide variety of practices specifically established to help improve overall timber health, composition, quality, and diversity. Within the driftless area of Wisconsin, timber stand improvement practices such as crop tree release, weeding, invasive species mitigation and tree planting all play a vital role in helping establish vigorous young stands of desirable timber. Many of these practices are not commercial and can be expensive, however the rewards are worthy of the effort. These costs can be minimized and offset by a multitude of programs that exist both in Wisconsin and nationally. To participate in most of these programs you must have a Forest Stewardship plan in place for your wooded acreage. We can help you navigate these programs and get you started with a project. We understand the complexities the terrain and cover type create (here in the driftless region) when trying to improve your forest. Our extensive experience working with Wisconsin cost share programs and Department of Agriculture programs can also be helpful.